Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Deserted Island

Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Deserted Island
As vegans, we are commonly asked the “deserted island” question. “Sure, you’re vegan, but what if you were stranded on a desert island…what would you eat then?” The simple answer is, “Whatever plants the animals are eating.” To take this a step further, I’d like to pose that those same people answer this question: if a toddler was placed on an uncharted island with abundant wildlife and plant life, would the child grow up a vegan or a meat-eater?
In order to answer the question ‘vegan or meat-eater’ we must analyze several factors:
Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Improper Tools

Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Improper Tools
Physically, a human toddler is neither fast, large, nor strong. A human child does not have fangs or claws to hunt. Yes, human babies have nails; however, they are better used for scratching than hunting. Yes, a human baby has teeth, but they are better suited for grinding, not biting, ripping, and tearing to kill.
Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Speed

Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Speed
Humans aren’t faster than big cats. Big cats as much as 75 mph, little cats up to 30 mph. Horses galloping at 30 mph, dogs sprinting at 42 mph, or rabbit species clocked at 27-45 mph.
Usain Bolt, the world’s fastest human man currently runs 28 mph. The average adult human can run approximately 15 mph. Even fully grown, a human cannot catch prey simply by running after it.
Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Sharing

Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Sharing
If the baby was somehow able to survive on this island long enough to reach top speed, it’s not quick enough. Not to mention the proper body tools to catch and kill. For these reasons, suffice to say the human child may not be meant to eat the animals. They’re sharing a home with them.
Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Companions vs Predators

Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Companions vs Predators
I believe the human baby would view such animals as companions…or fear them. Seeing them as food? Unlikely. For arguments sake; let’s say human child was able to fashion tools like a club or spear to injure or kill. Ok. The human body ingesting raw meat? Uh…ugh.
Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Cooking?

Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Cooking?
And how would the child even think to “cook” food? The child would grow very ill and possibly die attempting to eat raw meat. Or attempting to devour a rotting corpse. The latter, however, is definitely not in the human physiology. The child wouldn’t salivate at the sight of a rotting corpse and view it as food.
Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Part 2

Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Part 2
We’ve examined why a human toddler would struggle to attempt to consume animals. The animals they share this fictitious deserted island with. We must now answer the question of what the child would eat.
Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Suited To Eat Plants

Vegan Or Meat-Eater…Suited To Eat Plants
Upon careful examination of the physical characteristics (teeth, nails, speed), it would appear the human child is suited to eat plants. Delving deeper, the entire inner workings of the human body support the case for humans as frugivores…or at most, opportunistic herbivores. I believe animals, if left alone, will resort to whatever their bodies tell them.
Therefore, I believe science points to the toddler resorting to picking berries, low hanging fruits, scavenging for nuts. Perhaps a curious toddler may try a bug or two. However, the taste would most likely deter the child from attempting again. As the child grows taller and stronger, it reaches higher fruits— bananas, coconuts. No suitable fruits to eat? Worst case scenario, an opportunistic herbivorous diet— consume plants…as many as you can find.
An honest examination of the human body— its biology, its capabilities— it becomes quite clear an abandon human toddler would be vegan…if you ask me. More specifically, a human baby would more than likely be strictly frugivorous.
Vegan Or Meat-Eater…In Conclusion

Vegan Or Meat-Eater…In Conclusion
In conclusion, the human body is not meant to keep up with predator animals. Nor is it meant to catch prey animals. Moreover, the body is not capable of safely digesting raw meat without growing quite ill or even dying. Most notably, my belief, a human wouldn’t gaze upon live animals as a food.
A “meat-eater” looking at a cow make think “delicious steak.” But an honest evaluation of the body disproves this. Your mouth is not watering. You do not feel a “fight or flight” response. You do not imagine biting into the animal or brutally slaughtering it.
The only point when a human views an animal as “food” is when it’s neatly packaged. Even then, our mouths do not water. Our mouths do not begin to water until “meat” is properly cooked and seasoned. The smells coming from your kitchen are typically plants used for flavoring. Human beings are not biologically meant to consume meat. Plain and simple.
Vegan Made Easy is an ultra-modern eBook divided into 3 parts: What Do Vegans Eat, Vegan Nutrition, and Making the Transition. Vegan Made Easy gives you the straight-forward information you need to feel empowered to make the switch to plant-based eating and living. Learn more here