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The primary purpose of the the Your Vegan Fallacy Is project is vegan outreach, but while the greater part of our focus is on providing pre-vegans with factual, logical and ethical tools for overcoming their reservations about veganism, we are also keenly interested in helping to familarize vegan advocates with the issues and providing them with resources. One way you can help us to achieve these goals is to spread the word about what we're doing here. This might be through direct shares of our pages on social media (check the page footer for links to popular social media web sites) or by referencing Your Vegan Fallacy Is while dispelling vegan fallacies.

Note: Every fallacy provides a shortened "" link specifically for use in online chats (e.g.


Please bear in mind that the content on this web site is licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In brief, this allows Your Vegan Fallacy Is content to be freely shared and adapted so long as:

  • you attribute Your Vegan Fallacy Is as the original source in a non-defamatory way,
  • the project you're sharing to is not a commercial venture, and
  • the content you're creating is also shared under like provisions.

If these restrictions inhibit your use of Your Vegan Fallacy Is content on a project that you think we might otherwise endorse, then please reach out to us and describe it. We might well be able to work something out!