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Vegan Sidekick nos ha autorizado amablemente a compartir su trabajo en este sitio. Si quieres obtener este tipo de permiso para tu propio proyecto, puedes contactarlo a través de su sitio web.
+Mc Bibly: "in the book of matthew God told matthew to not call unclean what i have clensed and in genesis God tells Adam and Eve to eat off the land AND the animals."
Well.. No, actually; at no point does your Bible or your God command you to eat animals.
To start with, you're misquoting your own mythos; Genesis 1:29 (NIV) reads, "Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.'" This doesn't speak to eating animals at all.
Now, according to your own source material, it isn't until after the flood that your god ostensibly provides you the option to eat animals; Genesis 9:2-3 reads, "The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands. Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything."
So, while the authors of your religious tales decide to go against previous writing and so allow needlessly killing and eating sentient beings, you were not "required" to do so, and it was supposedly still your God's original intention for you to be vegan. Granted, by your belief system, we now live in a fallen world, but that isn't reason in itself to not try to follow your deity's wishes as best as you can -- and be a "good steward" to boot. In other words, there are many ways to make sure you're getting the nutrition you need without harming the creatures (you believe) he has made.
So you see, +Mc Bibly, even if it was reasonable to derive our contemporary ethics from the writings of people who believed women were chattel, slavery was good and wholesome, and the world was flat, you still can't justify eating animals as the morally correct action based on your own doctrines.
+Mc Bibly: "i'm not saying it's bad to eat vegitables"
Cool! On this we agree, +Mc Bibly! =o)
+Mc Bibly: "only i'm saying there's nothing wrong or bad with eating meat but always everything in moderation"
Hmm... In earnest, I respect that it's a tough decision to consciously decide to eat other beings, but I'm hoping you won't mind if I ask a question about that in particular. To be clear, I'm not seeking to be confrontational at all, but rather am curious what thought processes each of you've come to, since it's clear that you've already deeply considered these issues, though have arrived at different conclusions than myself.
What puzzles me is what would make it OK to forcibly take the life of a sentient individual, especially when it is clearly not necessary for humans to do so, and when he or she would so obviously rather not be eaten (let alone killed)?
Again, no offense is intended whatsoever by this inquiry; I merely seek to better understand how moral persons such as yourselves can come to make such a choice. Fair enough?
This post is one in a series in which excerpts of discussions on veganism from other threads are reposted (or paraphrased) for the sake of expanding the conversation. As always, your thoughts and questions are welcome. See the full collection via the #spommveganchats hash (or perhaps with a more robust search, such as
(for anyone requiring/desiring more context, the original conversation can be found at
Sean P. O. MacCath-Moran nos ha autorizado amablemente a compartir su trabajo en este sitio. Si quieres obtener este tipo de permiso para tu propio proyecto, puedes contactarlo a través de su sitio web.
Dan Piraro nos ha autorizado amablemente a compartir su trabajo en este sitio. Si quieres obtener este tipo de permiso para tu propio proyecto, puedes contactarlo a través de su sitio web.